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MEND’s annual fundraising dinner draws nearly 300 guests
The Moorestown based non-profit organization hosted the event at the Lenola Firehouse Venue on Friday, September 25, 2015
MEND hosted its “Crab Feast… and So Much More!” dinner for almost 300 friends and supporters at the Lenola Firehouse Venue in Moorestown on Friday, September 25th . The annual dinner is the premier fundraiser for MEND and this year, MEND decided to switch it up and go casual with a “crabby” theme. The menu from Georgetti’s provided guests with a variety of delicious entrees (not just crabs) and a wonderful selection of deserts.
Matthew Reilly, MEND’s President and CEO spoke about “the great need for MEND’s affordable rental units and mentioned a recent new tenant who said that ‘she loved her new apartment; she never thought she could live in such a nice place; and she cried when she walked into her beautiful MEND apartment for the first time.’ This is exactly why MEND keeps pursuing our 46 year-old mission.”
MEND was proud to have a MEND family attend this year. They shared their personal thoughts about the benefits of being able to live in MEND housing. “MEND spurred a lot of good in my life,” said the Mom. “MEND gave me the opportunity to live in a nice town with an excellent school district, which then helped my children get into very good colleges.” Her daughter provided guests with her own insights. She expressed her appreciation and admiration for her mother whose strength and will power to do whatever was needed to improve the lives of her children was and is always strong . She was thankful that MEND was there when another downfall hit.
Her oldest son was not in attendance because he was away for school but he did send some thoughts of appreciation that were shared at the event, “At Moorestown High School, the teachers were completely dedicated to my academic success, even when l left, the support from the faculty members never wavered. I am grateful for the relationships I have developed, and the goals I have accomplished, including attending a prestigious college and receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree in Legal Studies.”
MEND works hard to stay true to the sentiments of its founder, Boyce Adams, that “Everyone deserves a decent, safe and affordable place to call HOME.” Today, MEND continues its mission by helping low and moderate income individuals and families obtain safe, decent, affordable rental housing near their places of work and within their chosen communities.
The Crab Feast… and So Much More! event on September 25th was a fun way to help MEND maintain its mission! Major supporters included Dr. Lucy B. Rorke-Adams, TD Bank and Holman Automotive. Mr. Reilly thanked all guests for their support and reminded everyone that charitable donations to MEND help keep the apartment rents below market levels, thus easing the housing costs of MEND tenants who then can better afford basic necessities and be contributing members of their community.
MEND is a private, nonprofit corporation that develops, builds, owns and manages affordable rental housing in southern New Jersey. Established in 1969, MEND currently owns 725 apartments in 29 separate locations in 8 towns in the Burlington County region. 250 of these apartments are located at 20 different locations in Moorestown. MEND’s now 46 year-old mission is to maintain and expand the supply of affordable rental housing for low and moderate income individuals and families (including senior citizens and persons with disabilities) who cannot afford market-rate rental housing in our area.